I have two very distinctive children. Thing One is more impulsive, outgoing, and loud. Thing Two is much more demure, quiet, and girly. While my oldest is running around neighing like a horse, my youngest (5 3/4...you have to add the 3/4!) is picking out which necklace to wear, which lip gloss to put in her purse, and which sweater to wear. My youngest also has a couple of little friends who ride the bus home with her. One of them is named "Sophie." It is not uncommon for Thing Two to ask, "What should I take today to show Sophie?"
While most everyone reading this entry (both of you) is older than 5 and 3/4, I wonder - if we were honest - how many of us would say that we ask a similar question each day. I'm sure the name might be different, but most of try to impress someone each day. It might be the way we dress. It might be the car we drive. It might be the work that we do. It might even be the coffee we bring in to the meeting.
Not to be too obvious and cliche with where this is going, but what if we started inserting God into the sentence? How would that change your day? How would it change the way you drive or the coffee you drink or the words you choose?
Maybe tomorrow morning we should all start the day with the question, "What should I take today to show Jesus?"
Just something I was thinking about tonight.
Under the Mercy,
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