Terra Nova

Terra Nova
New Ground For Your Spiritual Journey

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ecclesiastes 10

Summarizing this chapter is like herding cats! The only common theme seems to be that wise is good and fools are bad. There is a lot of common sense in this passage - sharpen the ax so you don't have to use as much effort; a fool doesn't know when to shut up; lazy work will show.

Yet as I read this, it is clear that often in this world things don't go as they should and we make stupid decisions. Solomon is trying to warn us to think first. A wise person stops and thinks before moving forward. A wise person is not afraid to give a little extra effort and stay above reproach.

While I always want some deep, spiritual truth when I read a portion of Scripture, maybe today the lesson is simple - be wise, show common sense, and work smart...in the end things will work out better for you.

Sorry I don't have anything deeper today.


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