Terra Nova

Terra Nova
New Ground For Your Spiritual Journey

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ecclesiastes 12 - The End

Today we read the last chapter in Ecclesiastes. It has been a depressing journey through the thoughts of the wisest, wealthiest, most powerful man of his day. The more I read this book, the more I realize how blessed I am that I am not wise, wealthy or powerful! Maybe there is joy in simplicity. Maybe there is joy in vulnerability. Maybe there is joy in doing life one day at a time, in the present, being fully present with God and those around you.

The last verse of the book says,

"For God will bring every deed into judgment,
including every hidden thing,
whether it is good or evil."

I have been reflecting a lot lately on judgment. I have come to realize how much (and often) I judge people and their actions. I have also realized that I rarely listen to the whole story. I rarely hear the complexity of the situation. Too often, I only see the rules and regulations I put in place (my religious system) and then I give myself power by using that system to judge.

What if judgment was less about God telling you how good or bad you are and more about God helping you discover how loved you are by Him? What if judgment is more about helping you see how the rules you constructed limited your ability to love others unconditionally? What if judgment is more about God helping you rid yourself of pain, grudges, bitterness, and lack of love? What if judgment ends up being a good thing - cathartic?

I think this boils down to how much we really trust God and His goodness and love. Do we really think (and then live out this thought daily) that God is good and is working toward our goodness? Can I live out this kind of goodness in the context of my relationships? Maybe judgment is more about me discovering love than about me being punished...

If life is truly meaningless, then there is no reason for judgment. If judgment is about bringing meaning to my life by helping me love, then bring it on! Show me how to love...how to be more fully present...how to live in Christ and Christ in me...how to listen to His voice each moment as I see how dearly fond God is of me and all those around me.

Maybe that is true meaning in life. I'm willing to find out...

Under the Mercy,

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