Terra Nova

Terra Nova
New Ground For Your Spiritual Journey

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ecclesiastes 4

More meaninglessness. But in today's reading the king seems to be alluding to a much more personal quest. He refers to seeing (not participating in) the toils of the oppressed. He saw great achievements grow only out of pride. He saw that being alone is empty. He saw that even the youth who garners great influence ends up being the old king watching a younger person see the same rise of power. Chasing after the wind...

What do I learn from these musings?

  1. What am I doing to help those who are oppressed? Do I sit back and wonder about happiness or do I step in and make a difference?

  2. Am I doing life alone? Even in a marriage one can be alone. Even in a family one can be alone. Am I alone or am I allowing others in?

  3. Am I placing too much stock in gaining influence? Am I looking to rise to power or do I realize power comes and goes with a fickle crowd? I have not been called to power, I have been called to service. This is not a "station in life" this is a holy vocation. Am I living it out?
I realize that I need to open myself up to those around me more. As I approach a time of vulnerability (I'm having surgery Friday), will allow those around me into my world even though I am not "in power"? As I look at my own "career" as a pastor, I will relinguish my need/desire for power and influence and simply seek to be God's servant for this community.

Under the Mercy,

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