Terra Nova

Terra Nova
New Ground For Your Spiritual Journey

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Missing Church

Due to my surgery Friday, I was unable to be in church this morning. As a pastor, this is both freeing and terribly difficult. It is not difficult because I feel guilty about missing church - not in the least! It is difficult because it demonstrates to me my own control issues.

As a pastor, I have to realize that it is God's job to build His Church and it is my job to equip His people. If I am doing my job, they shouldn't miss a beat when I am gone. As I write this it is the middle of the second service at Terra Nova and I have no idea what is going on...but I think I'm okay with that. I have an amazing community and staff who will worship God without me.

I hope they want me to come back eventually, but right now, I'm sure they are fine without me! Honestly, though, I do miss them.

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