Terra Nova

Terra Nova
New Ground For Your Spiritual Journey

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Seth Godin wrote a great blog entry that got me thinking about how we "do church." Here is the blog entry: Intentionally building communities (More hallway!)

If you don't go read it, I'll give you the main point: the community is more important than the the project.

I have to admit that I used to be very susceptible to this mistake. I was all about getting the project done. People were tools for me to use to accomplish a task. I am finally coming to realize that the relationships I form in the process are far more valuable than the project itself.

I am turning a corner and now using projects to "accomplish" people. I start things at church to give people an opportunity to exercise their gifts and leadership abilities. I am re-learning what "success" means. I haven't figured it out completely, but God is really working hard on me in this area. I'll keep you posted...

Under the Mercy,

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