Terra Nova

Terra Nova
New Ground For Your Spiritual Journey

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Morning Musings

Lately I have been following the Book of Common Prayer for my daily Scripture readings. This morning it directed me to Psalm 101. Verse 3 of this passage said,

I will not look with approval
on anything that is vile.

This verse really made me think. What do I look on with approval that I shouldn't? What vile things enter my line of sight on a regular basis? Do I look away? Do I permit these things in my view?

What do I look at on a regular basis? What media do I allow into my home? What shows and movies do I watch that might be considered "vile"?

I know this is all very subjective. What is vile to me may not be vile to you (and vice versa). I am in no way imposing my standards on you, but I would like to challenge you - what do you consider vile in your heart of hearts? Do you allow it in your sight? What images need to be purged from your sight? Are you willing to actually stop looking at them?

I am asking God to soften my heart so that I am sensitive to things that are vile to Him. I wonder what I will see that I didn't used to notice, but now I will consider vile?

Under the Mercy,

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