Terra Nova

Terra Nova
New Ground For Your Spiritual Journey

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

2010: A Year of Living Missionally

At Terra Nova we are committing to living one full year in a missional way. This means that we will commit every day to live in such a way that the people around us will see and experience God's love. Want to join us?

The "how" of living missionally

These are 3 questions we are asking as we pursue an entire year of living missionally (they are from Dave Gibbons' book "The Monkey and the Fish"):

1. Where is Nazareth?
In John 1 Nathanael asks what good could come from Nazareth. At Terra Nova, we are asking where is Nazareth? Where are the people that are the outsiders, the outcasts, and the oppressed? Where are those that I don't really want to believe in. Who do I think is "less than"?

When I can answer this, I know who I need to be focusing on in my pursuit of living missionally.

Craig Groeschel said, "To reach unreached people, we have to do what is not yet being done."

Who are the people around you that need to hear about HOPE?

2. What is my pain?
In 1 Corinthians 1 Paul says that to the Jews the cross is a stumbling block and to the Greeks it is foolishness. The Gospel is about meeting people at their point of pain. Too often in our culture we are focused on success and being "all together." We want to hear success stories and how we can become our best self. We want to relate to people within the context of success.

Unfortunately, the most common denominator between us is not success but pain. If I am going to relate to the people around me in a real, authentic way, I need to be willing to accept and even embrace my pain. It is within the context of this shared pain that we will be able to truly touch those around us.

3. What is in my hand?
In Exodus 4 God asks Moses a very simple question: "What is that in your hand?" The question encourages us to focus on what we have not what we are lacking. What do you have that you can use? What talents and gifts do you have now that will help those around you?

As we wrestle with these questions, we will begin the process of living every day with a missional mindset.

Under the Mercy,

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