Miraculous Developments...
This Sunday, Terra Nova will have our first ever "Pledge Day" for our BuildOUT Capital Campaign. We are trying to raise $90K to pay one year of rent and the build-out costs for a new location. This new space will more than double our capacity to reach people in Delaware County. The whole process has been a roller coaster ride of faith, doubt, fear, amazement, and ulcers! Here is a taste...
The process of acquiring this building (5542 Columbus Pike, Lewis Center OH 43065) and figuring out what the space would look like has been far from easy! Here are some of the highlights of the hard work the Leadership Team has put into this project as well as times God intervened in a miraculous way.
Over 1 year ago, we called about this property...the owner was not interested in talking to us.
We pray...
Over the course of the year, we see several new families attending TN who have some expertise in areas of lease negotiations, construction, and such. Four months ago, we called again (on a whim...) and the owner not only wanted to talk, he was willing to take half of the asking price for rent.
Conceptual drawings are started. The costs are overwhelming and almost kill the project.
We pray...
We cut every “extra” we can trying to get down to the bare minimum of what it would take to get into the building and still be able to hold services.
The Health Department informs us that there is no way we can have a church there because the septic system cannot handle the sewage.
We pray...
After multiple emails, phone calls, meetings, and revisions to the plans, we meet with the Health Department and EPA at the site. They discover a section of the septic system they did not have record of existing and decide to simply “keep an eye on it” with the understanding that the landlord would pay to tap into the public sewer system in the very near future.
Construction estimates are still beyond our budget.
We pray...
Some tough cuts are made in the drawings trying to make the space useful, economic, and expandable as we grow.
The owner is approached by another potential renter...with a lot more money than us.
We pray...
In order to close the deal, we agree to the owner’s updated timeline for the commencement of the lease knowing that God will have to work with the government agencies to expedite permits and such. Initial signs from these agencies are very positive.
We ask the congregation to commit to giving $90,000 over the next 6 months to pay for the build out of the new space and the first year of rent.
We pray...
BuildOUT Pledge Day
What will God do through you? Keep watching and see!
If you would like to make a donation to our project please send checks to
Terra Nova Community Church
825 Houk Rd. Suite 215
Delaware, OH 43015
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