Terra Nova

Terra Nova
New Ground For Your Spiritual Journey

Friday, August 30, 2013

Can the Church Speak to Tough Issues Like Sexual Orientation Without Alienating?

I'm finishing up a teaching series at Terra Nova this week called "Hostage."  If you want to see any of these, you can check out the TN Video archive on Vimeo here.  This week I tackle the subject of LUST and how sexual sin can enslave us.

I'm a little nervous simply because the topic can become so controversial and emotional.  When ever we talk about our sexuality, we often tie it so closely to our identity that any pushback we hear regarding our thoughts seem like direct shots at our identity.  This becomes especially true when we talk about issues like sexual orientation.

I have been praying for weeks about this message.  I probably have 2-3 sermons packed into this one message, but hopefully as I edit and massage it today I can make sure I'm able to communicate clearly exactly what God wants me to say.

Speaking about difficult issues has never been a problem for the Church.  Listening to the feelings and questions of others on difficult issues has been more of a problem.  We are too quick to speak words of condemnation in the name of Truth.  We are too quick to create "sides" on an issue forcing it into a either/or situation and thus sending people to one side or the other.  I will admit, this is much easier and far less messy!

My prayer on issues like sexual orientation is that somehow the Church (and specifically me since I'm the one writing this!) can take the time to study the issues, listen to and discern the real questions that need answered, and then speak authentically and knowledgeably into the situation.

I have wrestled with this topic for several years.  I have never experienced SSA (Same Sex Attraction) so I have no idea what it is like.  I have studied much regarding the Bible's teaching on this.  The more I've studied, the stronger my conclusions have become, yet also, the more I've come to understand the struggles and questions of those with SSA.  While I believe the Bible makes it clear that homosexual sex is wrong (as is pre-marital or extra-marital sex), I also believe the Bible does not pick out this sin as any more condemning than any other sin.  As a Christian and as a pastor, I will not condemn or judge those with SSA.  I will gently confront and rebuke any of those I love of any sinful practices because I love them.  God has called me to help people build a Christ-centered life, but sin demands to be at the center and therefore will impede one from building a Christ-centered life.

If I don't say something, I am not acting in a loving way.  But also, if I say something without authentic love for the person, I'm sinning.

It is a delicate balance that is not easy and requires grace to be shown on both sides!

Under the Mercy,
Pastor Jason


Unknown said...


Just took time top read, and then print out your post. As always, you are right on target. I pray that I can act as Biblically and with as much love as you do. Blessings to you friend.


Unknown said...


I took time to read and print your post. You are right on target. I hope and pray I can act and think as Biblically and with the same kind of love.



Unknown said...


I took time to read and print your post. You are right on target. I hope and pray I can act and think as Biblically and with as much love.



Unknown said...

Loved your post on the churches understanding and reaction to SSA. If we posture ourselves to not know all, we can learn how to more effectively minister to them. We the church are always quick to judge and quick to pull out our swords like Peter. So glad a new day is coming and here.